The wonders of the natural world intrigued Lucia Eames and compelled her to capture this delights on paper. Her gift to us is her joy, marvel and hope.
Over a period of 20 years, Lucia Eames personalized nearly 200 spiral-bound Steno Books—all 6” x 9”—with writings and drawings. Although not every book (each with 80 ruled sheets) was completely filled—each revealed unique treasures.
While archiving this work, which involved tagging every different motif she drew, we discovered that her largest motif category involved celestial drawings, consisting of moons, stars and comets. As a side note, because she drew so many suns, we decided to spotlight them in their own category away from the 1,095 celestial drawings.
Lucia Eames drew on more than just Steno Books; she utilized paper of different colors, lined and unlined, different thicknesses including tracing paper, recycled papers from mailings as well as xeroxed pages. Her archive holds another 473 pages of Celestial Works beyond that in her Steno Books.